Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Handful!

This kid is so hyper. I wonder how those women do it that have like 18 kids. I know the older ones help out but in the beginning when they have like 5 kids all under the age of 7 or whatever - that must be really hectic.

The thing about Kailea skipping her naps - well, sometimes I can convince her that she still needs a nap and sometimes she still takes naps but it takes a lot of convincing on my part.

I don't want to spoil this kid too much. I just want to love her.

She's really an angel and very sweet - but she is also full of so much energy and I need to get some of that energy she has.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Kailea - almost 2

Today we* went to the museum Kunst Licht Kunst. Kailea was so hyper and screaming a lot I didn't know what to do. I was amazed we got to stay for as long as we did and I was more amazed that we didn't get kicked out!

Next time I hope Kailea can control herself a bit more. It was fun though and I'm glad we went because now she is in bed and I don't hear her. Maybe she is actually asleep.

She's been skipping her afternoon nap the last week or so and It's been very difficult for me.

Yesterday I had to tell her - "it's okay if you don't want to sleep. You don't have to sleep. But you have to stay in your room and be quiet because Mommy needs some free time"

That seemed to work and I was able to work on some of my paintings (see cutekittypunk link)

*We: Kailea, Mommy, Rachel, Collin and Ethan (Collin & Kailea play together in nursery)