Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Yeah - I really like going for walks - can you see my smile - I'm all ready - let's walk n roll!

I really love balls - kicking them - and I like to watch the kids play soccer (voetbal - they call it here) - I like walking too, I need help walking - I'm getting better and better everyday - pretty soon I'll be doing it all by myself.

Hi! - there's mama in the background relaxing - and my Daddy - he's got a great smile - I get my dimples from him :-)

Mama says I'm a cutie patootie - I think she's right :-)

Here I am in Koln - eating outside in November - it sure was nice weather!

Grandpa, Uncle Nathan & Audree, and TJ (who took the photo) visiting me - so we took them to see Koln, Germany - that's me in the stroller!

8 months - Valkenswaard - a visit with some goats